Monday, September 29, 2014

Malkovich at his best!

Congratultions to John Malkovich and Sandro Miller for their great work with the iconic pictures that one will be able to see at the Catherine Edelman Gallery, in Chicago, november 7th. Some of these amazing fotos portrait famous men and women that are an important part of our colective memory: Einstein, Che Guevara, Alfred Hitchcock, Salvador Dali or Marilyn Monroe.  These are  just some of the names you can see in the exhibition. Make sure you don't miss it!

Such a hot summer and naive celebrities

I was astonished that so many celebrities were caught naked on the internet. Why on hearth do they keep such private information in a somehow public server like iCloud? What were they thinking? Don't they have personnal disks to storage that kind of material? I am not a celebrity, but I am clever enough no to put sensitive material in a place where some hacker can easily reach it.

And by the way, what is the matter with these people that suddenly they all decided to take so may naked pictures? Was this summer a specially hot one? I had not realized that untill now, when I heard so many names supposedly involved in this case: Kim Kardashian, Jennifer Lawrence,Vanessa Hudgens...

Friday, September 26, 2014

When memories are erased

Today I've heard about Malcolm Young's disease (the guitar player from AC/DC) and it made me sad to think about the fragility of human life. One day you have a normal, successful life and the next you have lost control of your life. You can no longer recognise the people that love you and are the most important to you. How sad and difficult it must be to his wife, family and friends. This is a terrible disease if not the most terrible for it erases our past and our present becomes so difficult and empty because all our memories vanish in thin air. And what are we without them?

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

The workplace

Our workplace should be our second home, should it not? At least that is what most of the people say. It is certainly where we spend most of our time. But are we happy about it? Does it treat us the way we should be treated? Do the organizations make an efford to make us feel happy about the way we work? Do they really give us the most convenient conditions for us to conciliate our professional life with the personnal one? We hear a lot to talk about family life and the importance of having kids, but in fact do you feel supported by your employer? Does he give you the chance to adopt a more convenient working schedule? I wish mine did...